Friday, May 6, 2011

Illusion of Motion by Multiple Images

The above picture is an illusion of motion by multiple images because the horse is in a different position in each picture.

Illusion of Motion by Blurred Outline

Illusion of motion by blurred outline is created in the above picture by blurring the objects around the dog and the outline of the dog is not clear. The dog looks like it is running really fast.

Illusion of Motion by Repeated Figures

The picture above is the illusion of motion by repeated figures. The figure above is repeated in different positions to create motion. The figure is jumping across the page.

Anticipated Motion

Anticipated motion is created by expressions and placement. The above picture is perfect for anticipated motion. The woman, the wolf, and the bird are all in motion and seem to want to run right off the page.

Spatial Puzzles

Spatial puzzles are created by manipulating space. The staircase on top of this building seems to never end. The people look like they are walking both up and down the stairs.

Multiple Perspective

In the picture above there are many perspectives, creating a very confusing and unusual picture. Things just do not seem right.

Amplified Perspective

In the above picture, the building looks so big because of the angle of the picture. This creates amplified perspective. The building gets smaller at the top of the picture also.